Aula Magna,
Polytechnic University of Tirana
Sheshi Nene Tereza

Wednesday, March 8, 2022


Italy and Albania have shared several important historical moments, establishing close cultural, political, and socio-economic ties. Geographical proximity has been one of the factors fostering these relations. In this regard, the conference entitled “Albania in the Third Millennium. Architecture, City, Territory,” while not claiming to be exhaustive of the many topics being researched by various Italian and Albanian universities, intends to foster a debate on architecture and urbanism in Albania that has long proved to be of great cultural interest.
All this in the belief that the development processes of modern Albania, to which both Italian and Albanian scholars, architects, and engineers have contributed, will be able to emerge in the debate to investigate its various aspects, even more than what has been done so far. In addition, some problematic aspects of the contemporary condition will be discussed, such as the coexistence of globalized and localist dimensions that have influenced the transformation of today’s territorial realities. For these reasons, we are convinced that Albania still presents itself today as an interesting laboratory for study.

Comitato Promotore/ Promoting Committee
Ambasciata d’Italia in Albania
Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Tirana
Facoltà di Architettura e Urbanistica, Politecnico di Tirana
Sapienza Università di Roma
Comitato Scientifico / Scientific Committee
Prof. Carlo Bianchini, Dip. DSDRA, Sapienza Università di Roma
Prof. Federico Cinquepalmi, Dip. DiAP, Sapienza Università di Roma
Prof. Giuseppe De Luca, Dip. DIDA, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Prof. Anna Bruna Menghini, Dip. DICEA, Sapienza Università di Roma
Prof. Renato Partenope, Dip. DiAP, Sapienza Università di Roma
Prof. Marco Petreschi, Dip. DiAP, Sapienza Università di Roma
Prof. Antonino Saggio, Dip. DiAP, Sapienza Università di Roma
Prof. Nilda Valentin, Dip. DiAP, Sapienza Università di Roma
Prof. Armand Vokshi, Fau, Politecnico di Tirana
Coordinamento Scientifico / Scientific Coordination
Prof. Nilda Valentin, Dip. DiAP, Sapienza Università di Roma
Prof. Armand Vokshi, Fau, Universiteti politeknik i Tiranes

Find below the agenda: