In order to achieve the stated benefits of the Forum, the authors and the participants need to register.

Registration Form


IFAU, TIRANA 2017 -INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM  offers the following conditions for participation (each fee is valid for one person):

Ordinary fee  80 EUR

Early Bird Registration Fee 40 EUR

Ph.D. student fee  40 EUR

Accompanying person fee 30 EUR

Special fee* 40 EUR

*The participation of researchers from partner institutions is defined by special fee level (when registering for the conference please add the certificate)

Note: All bank charges MUST be paid by the payer

If the paper is presented at the conference by one author, the others are welcomed to the conference under the accompanying person fee.

The participation fee includes:

  • Access to the conference and all parallel sessions

  • Full electronic proceedings with catalog

  • Buffets  and coffee breaks during the conference

  • Conference fee does not include accommodation payment.

For the first 5 Ph.D., students whose papers are accepted for the conference will be allowed to participate without conference fee.


 Wednesday, 14th December 2017

20.00   Official Dinner

Registration at the desk of Secretariat of IFAU-2017 on  14 December 2017

The official dinner cost 20 EUR per person

If you would like your abstract to be included in conference proceedings, please pay the fee not later than extended deadline 07th of December 2017.


Payment Fee for International participants:

IFAU Tirana 2017 – 1st International Forum on Architecture and Urbanism

Beneficiary Institution:


Bank:                                     CREDINS BANK   

SWIFT:                                   CDISALTR

IBAN:                                      AL 32 2121 1016 0000 0000 0058 9007

Account Number:                 589007           

VAT number:                         L32203451O

Institutional code:                1011168

Fee conference code:          7110105

Payment Fee for Albanian participants:

Please download: FATURA E PAGESES _ IFAU 2017