It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the IFAU Tirana 2017 – 1st International Forum on Architecture and Urbanism, which will be held in Tirana, Albania, on 14-16 December 2017.

We would like to formally invite your company to be one of the event’s corporate sponsors. There are three different types of sponsorship varying mainly on the recognition that your company will receive as a supporter of the conference. Detail information on sponsorship packages can be found on the following pages.

We sincerely hope you will agree to sponsor our conference and share with us your expertise and passion for sustainable cities.

Thank you for your kind attention to our request. We look forward to hearing from you soon.



IFAU2017 | Cities in Transition | Tirana



bronze-med Gold Sponsor

  • Central spot for a booth in the registration area.
  • Complimentary registration for 1 exhibitor (includes lunches, coffees, welcome cocktail & Gala dinner).
  • Company name, logo and information on large size banners (160cm x 80cm) in the registration area.
  • Company logo and name on PC’s used for presentations in conference rooms
  • Full page advertisement in final program.
  • Company logo on the Conference website redirecting to your company’s website.
  • Insert in congress bag (insert will be provided by you).
  • Company logo in all the newsletters sent out prior the Congress.
  • Company name and logo in the Final Program acknowledging Gold sponsorship. Special mention of the Sponsor’s Company name during official thanksgiving speeches.

 Cost of Gold Pack: € 2,000


silver-medSilver Sponsor

  • A spot for a booth in the registration area.
  • Full page advertisement in final program.
  • Company logo on the Conference website redirecting to your company’s website.
  • Insert in congress bag (insert will be provided by you).
  • Company logo in all the newsletters sent out prior the Congress.
  • Company name and logo in the Final Program acknowledging Silver

Sponsorship. Special mention of the Sponsor’s Company name during official thanksgiving speeches.

Cost of Silver Pack: € 1,500


bronze-medBronze Sponsor

  • Half page advertisement in final program.
  • Insert in congress bag (insert will be provided by you).
  • Company logo on the Conference website redirecting to your company’s website. Company logo in all the newsletters sent out prior the Congress.
  • Company name and logo in the Final Program acknowledging Bronze

Sponsorship. Special mention of the Sponsor’s Company name during official thanksgiving speeches.

Cost of Bronze Pack: € 1,000